- Alabama: The deadline to register in person, online or by mail is Oct. 22.
- California: The deadline to register in person, online or by mail is Oct. 22. Residents who miss the deadline can still register at an election office and vote with a provisional ballot. The vote will be counted when the registration is verified.
- Colorado: The deadline to register by mail or online is Oct. 29. Residents can register in person by Election Day.
- Connecticut: The deadline to register in person, by mail or online is Oct. 30. Residents can still register to vote through Election Day at a local election office.
- Delaware: The deadline to register in person, online or by mail is Oct. 13.
- District of Columbia: The deadline to register in person is Election Day. The deadline to register by mail or online is Oct. 16.
- Hawaii: The deadline to register in person, by mail or online is Oct. 9. Residents who miss the deadline can still register to vote and cast a ballot during early voting or on Election Day.
- Idaho: Residents can register in person up to Election Day. The deadline to register by mail or online is Oct. 12.
- Illinois: The deadline to register in person is Oct. 9. The deadline to register online is Oct. 21. After that, residents can register and vote at a local election office during a “grace period.”
- Iowa: The deadline to register online is Oct. 27, and by mail is Oct. 22. Residents can register and vote in person on Election Day.
- Kansas: The deadline to register in person, online or by mail is Oct. 16.
- Louisiana: The deadline to register in person or by mail is Oct. 9. Residents can register online until Oct. 16.
- Maine: The deadline to register by mail is Oct. 16. Residents can register to vote in person until Election Day. Maine does not have online registration.
- Maryland: The deadline to register in person is Oct. 16 or during early voting with a state-issued ID. The deadline to register by mail or onlineis Oct. 16.
- Massachusetts: The deadline to register in person or online is Oct. 17. The deadline to register by mail is Oct. 16.
- Minnesota: The deadline to register online or by mail is Oct. 16. Residents can register in person until Election Day.
- Missouri: The deadline to register by mail, in person or online is Oct. 10.
- Montana: The deadline to register in person was Oct. 7. To register by mail, the form must be received by Oct. 10. After that, late registration is available through Election Day at county election offices. Online registration is not available.
- Nebraska: The deadline to register by mail or online is Oct. 19. Residents can register in person up to Oct. 26.
- Nevada: The deadline to register by mail is Oct. 9, and Oct. 16 in person. Residents can register online by Oct. 18.
- New Hampshire: The deadline to register in person is on Election Day. Residents cannot register online.
- New Jersey: The deadline to register in person or by mail is Oct. 16. There is no online registration.
- New Mexico: The deadline to register in person, by mail or online is Oct. 9.
- New York: The deadline to register in person or online is Oct. 12. To register by mail, the form must be received by Oct. 17.
- North Carolina: The deadline to register in person or by mail is Oct. 12. (Extended to Oct. 15 for 28 counties that were affected by Hurricane Florence.) From Oct. 17 to Nov. 3, residents can register and vote simultaneously at “one-stop” early voting sites. Residents cannot register online.
- North Dakota: Voters are not required to register before Election Day, but must bring acceptable proof of ID and residency to the polls.
- Oklahoma: The deadline to register in person or by mail is Oct. 12. Online registration is not available.
- Oregon: The deadline to register in person, by mail or online is Oct. 16. Many of the state’s residents are automatically registered when they renew their driver’s licenses.
- South Carolina: The deadline to register in person, by mail or online is Oct. 17. (The deadline was extended 10 days from Oct. 7 because of Hurricane Florence.)
- South Dakota: The deadline to register in person is Oct. 22. To register by mail, the form must be received by Oct. 22. Online registration is not available.
- Utah: The deadline to register by mail is Oct. 9. The deadline to register in person or online is Oct. 30.
- Vermont: Voters can register online or in person through Election Day.
- Virginia: The deadline to register in person, online or by mail is Oct. 15.
- Washington: The deadline to register online or by mail was Oct. 8. Residents can register in person by Oct. 29.
- West Virginia: The deadline to register in person, online or by mail is Oct. 16.
- Wisconsin: The deadline to register online or by mail is Oct. 17. Residents can register in person up until Election Day.
- Wyoming: The deadline to register in person is on Election Day. To register by mail, the form must be received by Oct. 22. Online registration is not available.