Happy New Year!
What better way to kick off 2019 than a good old fashioned Give Back?? Last year, we were able to do 8 of the 12 give backs that we had planned! Thanks to YOU!!! If you need a refresher, here is a recap:
Jan- 2018 kickoff / sock drive
Feb- Love Day / V-day cards to kids at Boys and Girls Club
March- Good Human Brunch / snacks to homeless after
April- Donated shirts / raised money for Nigerian Orphanage
May- Mom Day / passed out cupcakes to Moms at Piedmont Park
June- Dad Day / cups filled with treats to dads at Barbershops
Aug- Good Human Day / kickball game / community picnic
Nov- The G Code 5 / From a Dads perspective
We will be repeating a few (if not all) of these projects this year! Get ready!!
OK..... back to #H4TH (Hoodies 4 the Homeless)

We want to do something very special for the less fortunate... something different. We decided to collect $25 from 50 people to purchase 50 hoodies, 50 hats and 50 gloves. We will box & wrap them up beautifully and attach a card. We will then set out to give 50 people a reminder that they matter! Also, wearing the "Be A Good Human" hoodie will serve as a reminder to those that dehumanize the homeless men and women in the city of Atlanta!!
We really want to make this special for them and put some smiles on their faces!!
We cant wait to see their reaction when they open their gifts!! These memories will last a lifetime!!!! (we won't be recording)

Jan 12 is the cut off date and the hoodies will be ordered right after!!
If you have any questions or would like to sponsor us in anyway, let us know!
Donations of $200+ are tax deductible!!