Good Human Day '24

Good Human Day '24


After 3 long years, we brought back our FAVORITE event, which is more like a family reunion for us. Good Human Day!

In 2021, we had what we thought was our final Good Human Day in Atlanta as we were preparing to relocate to Oakland, Ca. at the end of the year. Well, we spent 11.5 months in the Bay Area and decided to come back home December 2022. A few months after returning, our Founder broke her ankle, so we had to skip yet another year. 

But, this year was the PERFECT time to run it back!! So we thought…. The planning for our 4th Annual Good Human Day was perfect. From the sponsorships, to the food, to the activities planned, tshirts, location, EVERYTHING! Then a tropical storm started showing up south of us and the sky got real dark. We panicked trying to figure out what to do. We put SO MUCH into this event… we can not cancel.


We decided to reschedule it for the following weekend.. which we learned was ALSO a bad idea. :-( First, the field was no longer available so we had to choose a different one, the temperatures and sun were EXTREME and made it difficult to really enjoy the event. Many of the people that were able to attend the previous weekend, could no longer make it.

We did the best we could with what we had and while the event didn't go as planned, our President was able to celebrate her 26th birthday, the kids enjoyed themsleves, our guests still got one game of kickball in and everyone ate GOOOOOOD! 

We will take all of the lessons learned from this year and previous ones and switch it up next year. It's looking really indoors! lol



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