If you've been keeping up with our "12 months of Giving" initiative we launched in January, then you know that we have kept our promise and have completed our 6th project! DAD DAY! Just like MOM DAY, we wanted to pass something out to random humans with the hopes of making them smile. This time, we chose "Dad Cups" to pass out. Because of a generous donation, we were able to purchase 25 cups and goodies to fill the cups with. Each cup has Skittles, Rice Krispy Treats, Slim Jim, Starbursts, Fruit Snacks, M&M's and Kit Kats!
Our awesome volunteers went to barbershops in East Atlanta (SWAG and Stoney's) and handed them out to the fathers we met! They were so happy to receive the free gifts. We really enjoyed ourselves and the dads did as well!! We don't like taking pics or video while we are meeting with people and doing our good deed... it takes away from the genuine feeling of it all! But by request, we took some great pics with the barbers at each shop!