© Nancy Stone/Chicago Tribune/TNS Terry and Carrie Meghie, pictured in 2013 at the Graceland Cemetery gravesite of their son Jackson Chance. The Meghies launched the nonprofit Jackson Chance Foundation to raise money to offset parking costs…

Couple who launched nonprofit to cover hospital parking extends program

CHICAGO - Carrie and Terry Meghie's son Jackson Chance spent all but two days of his 10-month life in a hospital. He was born two months early with lungs that were not fully developed.

The cost of parking all day, every day at Prentice Women's Hospital, followed by Lurie Children's Hospital, was hardly the couple's most pressing concern. But they knew it was a barrier for many families whose babies were in the neonatal intensive care unit, and they launched the nonprofit Jackson Chance Foundation in 2013 to raise money to offset parking costs and make way for parents to spend more time with their gravely ill children.

My former Chicago Tribune colleague Jodi Cohen told the Meghies' story in June 2013, and donations began to pour in from readers. By October of that year, they had raised close to $200,000. In 2015, the foundation surpassed  

READ MORE: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/good-news/balancing-act-couple-who-launched-nonprofit-to-cover-hospital-parking-extends-program/ar-AAsqxtn

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